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Travel Expense Reporting

Fake receipt and invoice detection

Learn how the VAARHAFT Fraud Scanner revolutionizes your HR software and automatically detects fraudulent expense reports.

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With the increasing automation of expense reporting, it is becoming more difficult to detect visually manipulated receipts.

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Growing complexity of fraudulent expense reports

  • With advanced AI tools, fake receipts are becoming more authentic, making detection more difficult for HR software providers.

  • Manipulation of layouts and fonts make it difficult to identify fake expense reports without specialized tools.

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Effective Fraud Prevention in Automated Expense Processing

  • Automated processes mean that fraudulent expense reports often go unnoticed because manual reviews are minimized.

  • Without effective fraud detection, automated systems can be easily fooled by manipulated receipts, significantly increasing the risk of abuse.

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Competitive Pressure and Rising Customer Expectations

  • HR software vendors need to secure their market position and remain relevant through automated, innovative features such as fraud detection.

  • Customers expect new features to be easy to use and not add complexity to ensure software efficiency.



The Fraud Scanner from VAARHAFT detects fake expense receipts in a matter of seconds

Get a valuable hint to prevent image-based fraud in your expense management.

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Detect anomalies in the document immediately

The Fraud Scanner detects visual anomalies in receipts within seconds and provides immediate feedback on whether the receipt has been tampered with. Our AI technology detects both forged and manipulated receipts quickly and efficiently.

Transparent decisions for every expense report

Our solution provides fully automated, reliable visual analysis of receipts and provides confidence scores for each transaction. This helps you decide when manual review is required and significantly reduces false positives.

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Get useful information to confirm suspicions

Our analysis highlights suspicious areas in receipts and helps track potential tampering. The Fraud Scanner provides valuable information during duplicate checks and image analysis, making it easier to review suspicious activity and make faster decisions.

Observe and know your fraud situation at all times

Put an end to the number of uncertain and unreported fraudulent invoices. Automatically review every expense report and maintain an overview of the current fraud situation in your company in order to implement further useful measures and processes.


Effective fraud detection for secure and
efficient expense reporting

Our AI technology is always up-to-date, delivering valuable insights on fake receipts and invoices in seconds, helping you to effectively prevent fraud.

Reduce manual effort with a simple API integration into existing software. Reports without detected anomalies can still be processed automatically.

Stay GDPR-compliant when processing customer damage images. Our AI is not trained on customer documents, and we do not store them, ensuring data privacy.

Read more about fraud detection for insurances

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